Universe Pharmaceuticals (NYSE:UPC) Trading Up 9.3%

Universe Pharmaceuticals INC (NYSE:UPCGet Free Report)’s share price shot up 9.3% during trading on Wednesday . The stock traded as high as $3.31 and last traded at $3.17. 182,984 shares traded hands during trading, an increase of 114% from the average session volume of 85,546 shares. The stock had previously closed at $2.90.

Universe Pharmaceuticals Price Performance

The stock has a 50 day moving average price of $2.45 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $2.10.

Universe Pharmaceuticals Company Profile

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Universe Pharmaceuticals INC, through its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture, marketing, distribution, and sale of traditional Chinese medicine derivative products in China. It offers products for the treatment and relief of common chronic health conditions in the elderly for physical wellness and longevity; and cold and flu medications.

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